Creative explorers –  transformative journeys for life transitions

Lagoa das Sete Cidades



Our mother's birthday wish to spend time with her children became a gift for all of us, with new explorations as a family.

This enriching experience has further inspired us to support others at different stages in life where pausing in a new and different way can be beneficial.


Deep experience of nature

Deep connection: purposeful exchanges

Deep reflection




The physical distance from other continents allows a certain "headspace" for inspiring experiences here on São Miguel. This island, where the power of the earth is tangible and palpable, offers an impressive backdrop for deepening the understanding of connections and achieving aha-effects; this thanks to a holistic approach through the five core capacities. Deep experience of nature, "impulses" as thought-provoking sparks as well as targeted interactive exchanges in respectful surroundings, offer new perspectives and promote one's own reflection in order to reconsider certain aspects of life. For an enriching experience with fellow guests, you will be encouraged to engage, and in addition to your mind, open your heart and soul to further broaden your horizons.


Experience a unique and memorable week in a historic monument from the 17th century

during transitions such as:

after the children left home, couples who wish to reinvent themselves,

faced by a life-limiting illness or bereaved

or when retirement is in the foreground.


We are all creative explorers!

Experiential journey

Lagoa das Furnas

Find your inner compass on an experiential journey with Caribou

may we invite you to:

foster reflection in profound exchanges with fellow guests?



hike under the marvellous skies, moonlight, and stars over the Atlantic Ocean?



recapture your creative inner child?



embark on an authentic spiritual journey?


 create emotional memories so vivid, you will be able to smell the sea!










Time out on the Azores


Imagine a world of butterflies and crater lakes, soaring cliffs, foggy volcanoes and boiling geysers, blue hydrangeas and pink amaryllis.

Imagine Atlantis...

Lagoa do Fogo

The Ancients placed the mythical continent of Atlantis west of Gibraltar.

They must have been thinking of the Azores, where the beauty of nature

is omnipresent and the power of earth tangible.


Tiny in the Atlantic Ocean as stars in the universe, the nine islands of the archipelago set the unforgettable stage for your transformative journey with Caribou.

Creative explorers

Lagoa dos Caldeirões


Commit to becoming a creative explorer


Growth is a collection of experiences – some social, others solitary.


Join Caribou in a historic monument from the 17th century (formerly Franciscan monastery) with a modern vibe on the Azores' main island of São Miguel. Spend a week – or more – in this oasis of hospitality with its garden and pool. Discover the island and enjoy the freedom to admit to your true self.


Become a creative explorer!


Climb your personal Azores High!


Chà Gorreana


for explorers

Lagoa das Furnas

Exploration beyond São Miguel


The Azorean archipelago, half way between Europe and America, for centuries a meeting place for pirates, Atlantic sailors, adventurers and explorers, is still a special world. When you hear the Açor (Portuguese for hawk), which today is still native to almost all islands, you have arrived...

About us

Ilha de São Miguel

Caribou was founded by us as siblings.

When we were children, we dreamt of the lost continent of Atlantis.

As adults, we still dream of a better world.


This personal quest as well as professional obligations have led us around the globe. Along the way, we collected experiences, learned, and grew. And we explored the Azores, which come as close to a mythical land as there may be.


After five decades, as brother and sister we launched the second half of our lives during a stay in the Azores. Reflecting on the way forward, it seemed natural that we should widen our life long quest by offering others the opportunity to find closer to themselves and each other.


The native Americans held the Caribou, a reindeer, sacred. And when they hunted a Caribou, they used every part of it because they felt obliged to Mother Earth. They could make something out of every part that was important and valuable to them and the community. Shouldn't we do likewise with our core capacities?


The Caribou concept of bringing people together is in our DNA.


Follow the lead and become a creative explorer -

we cordially invite you!

...on the journey towards the infinite,

Urban Waltenspuel + Regula Waltenspuel

Caribou Azores - NPO (UID: CHE-238.540.079)

Request Additional Information

Guests for each retreat are assembled according to a shared life situation that they wish to address during their stay. With the aim of making the joint activities productive and enriching, the thematic exchange is tailored to the respective context.


Guests stay one week to immerse themselves fully in this experience. Your investment to participate, is a cost contribution of between 2,500  3,500 francs/euros (excluding travel).

Upon request, e.g. from a group, a stay tailored to their needs can also last up to two weeks.


The guest house can accommodate 20 guests in 10 double rooms.


Season for the stay 2025


5-12 July         Der ko(s)mische Mensch – ins Unbekannte eintauchen (German)

12-19 July       New Horizons in the Atlantic – soon, early- or recent retirees (English)

19-26 July       Neue Horizonte im Atlantik – bald, früh- oder kürzlich Pensionierte (German)

26 July-2Aug  Aufwind im Atlantik – Trauernde/Verwitwete (German)

2-9 August     Updraft in the Atlantic – for the bereaved (English)

9-16 August   Atlantic Perspectives: Beyond Boundaries (English)



Name *
What would you like to address/solve?
How did you hear about Caribou?
Your current stage of life? *
Message *

Caribou Azores

c/o Regula Waltenspuel

Limmatstrasse 159

CH-8005 Zurich



+41 61 281 0808

Estrada forrada de hortênsias






Lagoa do fogo



Warrior Consciousness (providing power/strength)


At the age of approx. 2 years, it is important to learn to dissociate oneself, to gain independence and respect, and to be able to say "no". It is the first separation from the family or from being embedded in a group/clan, which is always associated with massive eruptions. Children develop their first ego structures (defiance phase) and bold adventurousness without awareness of consequences or dangers. They love to provoke to test limits. Still at the "magic age" and driven by strong feelings, impulses and needs to be satisfied immediately, and bursting with ego-consciousness, they want to be the hero or heroine of their lives, are therefore rather loners and somewhat isolated: "Me against the rest of the world", therefore aggressive and expansive at times. – Thinking is only rudimentarily linear; the mental horizon encompasses the immediate environment: nursery and sandbox with all the "toys" such as cars, airplanes, ships, prams, puppets, dolls and doll's house.


When the light-footed hunter-gatherers slowly settled down over many centuries (Neolithic Revolution in Europe) and began to appropriate land to farm and raise livestock, they had to build houses for their crops and supplies. This is how possession and property came into being. This in turn can be destroyed or stolen, i.e. one has to protect and defend ones livelihood. The origin of violence and war lies in the fear of losing hoarded property and the family and thus suffering deprivation. And because life is increasingly determined by precaution and the associated worries, the ability to "live in the moment" is slowly being lost. The growing craft and agricultural cultural techniques require much persistence and ambition, and success – often against various adversities – ultimately leads to justifiable pride. But on the other hand, because of possessions, envy and competitiveness also grow and the former equal coexistence of women and men begins to crumble towards patriarchy with increasing sedentariness, as does the harmonious balance with the entire environment due to increasing exploitation of natural resources.


Personal and collective development takes place on this third plane, where dualism (light/dark, good/evil, friend/enemy...) is lived, challenged and suffered with a lot of force to both extremes, mostly unconsciously. Therefore, the negative, dark aspects predominate in the perception of warrior consciousness, which is about power in the form of personal assertiveness, inner strength and one's own ability to act, as well as avoiding shame at all costs and saving one's reputation and face by all means. In this phase of predominant self-interest, a lot of china is broken. Only on subsequent planes, through conscious self-reflection of the past, can some of the positive, bright aspects of warrior consciousness be recognised, lived and integrated:


"Warrior is that person who will get what he really needs." – Those who know their needs can realise and pursue them without harming others or nature, even as a win-win experience for all involved. The prerequisite for this is a due measure of virtue and responsibility. Standing up for oneself or for others or wanting to realise a higher goal is what characterises the "noble knight", "peaceful warrior[1]" or "selfless hero".

In the Middle Ages, a few chosen knights in the "high minne", in addition to martial arts learned dance, music, song and poetry as an essential part of their own path of virtue and initiation. Selflessness and compassion played a major role in this, for the germs of virtue – moderation, humility, mildness, minne, attentiveness, contemplation, perseverance, chastity, shame, discipline, fidelity, patience – were to come to full fruition in the flower of virtue. Throughout, these are similar goals to those contained in the Bushidō, the code of Japanese samurai warriors, which had been written down in the transition to blue. These noble values are meant to foster unlimited strength, inner potential, luminous virtues, high aspiration and supreme wisdom in the warrior's consciousness – values and ideals that are partly adopted by today's movie heroes in today's Marvel and DC universes.


The warrior consciousness as yet has hardly any adequate idea of how multi-layered "adult life" actually is, nor of the complexity of the world. It is therefore all very "simple-minded". Almost permanently overwhelmed, one feels insecure, anxious and easily confused and one is overwhelmed by feelings and impulses. The resulting mistrust and doubts not infrequently hurt other people's feelings, which continues up to and with Orange. Therefore, it is not surprising that "red" friendships break easily and "red" relationships (also business relationships) hardly last long.

In the absence of love and affection and the feeling of real, deep security, people of this plane view the world as a hostile and dangerous place due to their mistrust. Therefore, self-protection is very important. Their permanent fear that someone else might dominate, control or deceive them, leads them to manipulate other people. Fear of losing control makes criticism unthinkable and so criticism doesn't even exist! Nor is defeat – it too is unthinkable! With the theme "Whoever is not for me is against me!" blind obedience and uncritical adoption of ideas is demanded. In addition, a system of distortions is supposed to minimise one's own fear and maximise self-esteem.

Because life is experienced "as a struggle of the strongest for power, honour, respect and wealth", it is always necessary to be superior to others and to prove oneself in self-chosen heroism and unhesitating struggle against enemy images, to break constraints and to assert one's own interests immediately.

In the pursuit of power and possessions, everything that serves one’s own goal and purpose is pushed through without regard for losses. A keen sense for favourable opportunities helps in this quest. In the opinion that one has a carte blanche in hand, everything is permitted. There is neither good nor bad, only wolves and sheep, hunters and prey, winners and losers. Actions are only bad if one is caught doing them and being punished. If this happens, others are blamed for one’s own wrongdoing, because it is always the others who are responsible, never oneself.


People of this plane have enormous powers and a fiery will, are freedom-loving alpha animals and therefore often very hard and merciless with others and with themselves. When they act unreflectedly and out of inner hurt, they react impulsively to threats with physical violence and may never lose face.


+   Beneficial: willpower, courage and drive: "Don't worry about consequences that may never happen!", perseverance and discipline are valued, no victim attitude, strong self-awareness, respect (natural or required).

-    Obstacles: self-importance and authoritarian behaviour, fantasies of superiority, machismo, bullying, self-enrichment and economic speculation (casino mentality), as in a prison atmosphere, physical strength and irrational thinking are essential, a mostly still underdeveloped conscience, instead of an exchange of opinions, a battle of opinions rages with targeted falsehoods (fake news) and crude conspiracy theories.


Transition red à blue

As abstract and linear thinking evolves, development of conscience also progresses steadily, i.e. the gaze turns inward from time to time and responsibility for one's own actions and decisions is increasingly taken on oneself. As rational thought begins to replace brute, emotionally charged violence, the ability to communicate also grows. Respect can now be achieved through adherence to group norms and no longer just through power. Respect for others is shown by offering them time and attention. "I can ask my friends", i.e. a shallow similarity with others is discovered and perceived as pleasant. One is no longer alone! - One begins to enjoy oneself in clubs without strings attached....




[1]  books by Dan Millman: The Peaceful Warrior and The Way of the Peaceful Warrior 





Ilhéu de Vila Franca